




Specialty Divisions


We're ready to assist you


Stargate Recruiting is a uniquely focused, modern and diverse recruiting firm based in Tampa Bay. Our goal is to provide the ultimate hiring experience for both employer and prospective employees, and to create the maximum synergy in every situation.

We strive to be a bridge and portal, between the new generation of outstanding talent and companies seeking strong, capable candidates that will bring positive long term growth and enhance company culture.

Our unique method analyses each applicant at many levels through personal interactions and personality assessments. We do this to understand each candidate deeply and to apply their skills and aptitudes in the most beneficial and productive ways for each company.

We also work closely with each company in order to understand their needs, optimize the hiring process and enhance employer/employee satisfaction. Therefore increasing productivity and cost efficiency.
It takes a truly conscious and growing business to be able to understand that the future of the company rests in neither the management nor the employees alone, but rather both.Helping you grow professionally is our main goal, and creating opportunities for empowering people is our passion!

Our VISION Is to be a nexus in which talent and companies come together seamlessly and symbiotically to create the synergy needed to increase revenue and profits for all in the most sustainable way.

See the difference

We can help you find a fulfilling career.

We look for people who are truly and deeply passionate about their careers and have the capacity to elevate companies to the next level with that drive. The highest productivity is undoubtedly achieved by those who love what they do.
  • Driven to see you succeed.
  • We are the people uniting and rising.
  • Together, creating a better tomorrow for all.
Business network concept. Customer support. Shaking hands.

100% Success


Creating Career Stars.


Creating Rising Stars.
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